Erwan Sene’s Interview on 032c

Parisian artist Erwan Sene is a poly­math, nav­i­gat­ing the inter­play of sound, sculp­ture, per­for­mance, and the nar­ra­tives with­in. Take, for instance, the son­ic odyssey JUnQ (or, the Journal of Unsolved Questions), a project encom­pass­ing a full-length album, exhi­bi­tion, and book,…
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Live performance Erwan Sene on Sunday 29.Oct.2023 om 15:00

The final week­end of Erwan Sene’s Datacomb Area exhi­bi­tion coin­cides with the first edi­tion of Kortrijk Art Weekend. For this, we will also be open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday 29 October, the artist will do a live per­for­mance in the exhi­bi­tion from 3pm. Experience…
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Erwan Sene in Night Shift at Kanal Centre Pompidou Brussel

From futur­ist folk to afro­trance and poly­phon­ic mise-en-scènes, music is yet again at the core of Night Shift’s third edi­tion. Over two evenings, the event brings togeth­er artists who escape cat­e­gories and work at the fron­tier of styles and dis­ci­plines. On Friday 08
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Liebaert Projects participates in Kortrijk Art Weekend 27.-28.-29.Oct.2023

Liebaert Projects par­tic­i­pates in the brand new project Kortrijk Art Weekend of Kortrijk Art with the exhi­bi­tion DATACOMB AREA’ by Erwan Sene. The asso­ci­a­tion Kortrijk Art rep­re­sents more than 20 orga­ni­za­tions, pri­vate and pub­lic, that pro­gram and show visu­al art in Kortrijk.…
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Sebastian Jefford in conversation with Mike Oehler

MO: I want­ed to ask you about the Medieval. Following your work, there has often been some sort of sub­tle nod toward it, or a mate­r­i­al sen­si­bil­i­ty that seems to sug­gest ideas of what I would call a European Medieval of the pop­u­lar imag­i­na­tion. Yet here in these new Flower works…
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Joachim Coucke over Kortrijk Art Space Dash

Since March 2014, artist and Kortrijk native Joachim Coucke has been run­ning art space DASH, one of the very few places for con­tem­po­rary art in his Belgian home­town. We had a chat with him about what it’s like to oper­ate out­side of the usu­al art epi­cen­ters, DASH’s recently…
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Ofluxo visited Liebaert Projects in 2020

Liebaert Projects proud­ly presents three new solo exhi­bi­tions by emerg­ing artists: Sebastian Jefford, Eva L’Hoest and Kamiel de Waal. This project marks the moment when Liebaert Projects acti­vates the full poten­tial of the for­mer flax weav­ing mill De Stoop. Welcome to the ship…
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Özgür kar wins the volkskrant images art prize 2020

Artist Özgür Kar (1992) is the win­ner of the Volkskrant Visual Art Prize 2020. Jury chair Barbara Visser pre­sent­ed him with the prize dur­ing a fes­tive gath­er­ing at the Stedelijk Museum Schiedam. The cer­e­mo­ny could be heard live on Opium NPO Radio 4.The award con­sists of a total…
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Sluggardizing: Sebastian Jefford by Alex Bennett

The silk­worm is lazy to the human eye, yet its lazi­ness is active. Pendulous, it writes a lulling syn­tax in the air, sali­va-to-silk. Secreting near­ly one mile of fil­a­ment, the worm cocoons itself; sub­merged in hot water, the silk is loos­ened, killing the pupa in turn. The…
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“What Eats Around Itself” Daiga Grantina interviewed by Alex Bennett

Alex Bennett: Though your work involves sculp­tur­al assem­blages of extreme­ly diverse mate­r­i­al, it’s curi­ous to know that film was your ini­tial inter­est. You even cre­at­ed your own Super 8 films. You’ve men­tioned Tony Conrad’s Yellow Movies” as a sig­nif­i­cant influ­ence for you; to…
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Daiga Grantina What Eats Around Itself Flash Art 12

Athena Papadopoulos talks about her exhibition The Apple Nun

The Apple Nun (Book of Hymns) takes on a ubiq­ui­tous pres­ence in each room of the exhi­bi­tion. Papadopoulos alters the space with a news­pa­per repro­duc­tion of the text explo­sive­ly scat­tered through­out. Like yesterday’s news — a stand-in for the fall­en woman — the…
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