
Athena Papadopoulos talks about her exhibition The Apple Nun

The Apple Nun (Book of Hymns) takes on a ubiq­ui­tous pres­ence in each room of the exhi­bi­tion. Papadopoulos alters the space with a news­pa­per repro­duc­tion of the text explo­sive­ly scat­tered through­out. Like yesterday’s news — a stand-in for the fall­en woman — the pages con­sti­tute the bind­ing frame­work that unites the rooms of the exhi­bi­tion and the char­ac­ters that inhab­it them. A tor­na­do of autum­nal leaves, at first beau­ti­ful and fun to play in but ulti­mate­ly a nui­sance to get rid of, this abun­dant dis­tri­b­u­tion brings to mind the destruc­tive and tox­ic mis­rep­re­sen­ta­tions of women’s trans­form­ing com­plex­i­ties as poten­tial­ly high-main­te­­nance chores. Historically, these women – brand­ed witch­es, lunatics or jezebels – have sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly been swept from society’s view.

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  • 23.Oct.—17.Nov.2019 / Solo Exhibition
  • Vernissage: 23.OCT.2019, 19:00

Athena Papadopoulos

The Apple Nun

Athena Papadoupolos Liebaert Projects 1