
About Liebaert Projects

Liebaert Projects is a foun­da­tion for Contemporary Visual Art in Kortrijk. Housed in the for­mer flax weav­ing mill De Stoop from 1888. Liebaert Projects pro­duces exhi­bi­tions with young emerg­ing artists from Belgium and abroad with a strong focus on sculp­tures and video. The non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion was found­ed in 1999 by the late Gery Van Tendeloo togeth­er with a group of enthu­si­as­tic art lovers and col­lec­tors. Today the non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion has 14 mem­bers under the lead­er­ship of cura­tor Joachim Coucke. Would you like to become a mem­ber of our non-prof­it asso­ci­a­tion? Contact us for a word of explanation.

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Hierdsf7921 2200x