• 19.Jun.—18.Jul.2021 / Solo Exhibition
  • Vernissage: 19.JUN.2021, 19:00

Eva L'Hoest

Don't Feed the Birds

Liebaert Projects Eva L Hoest6
  • Vernissage: 19.JUN.2021, 19:00
  • Open: sunday 14:00—18:00
  • Closed: monday through saturday
  • Minister Liebaertlaan 1B, 8500 Kortrijk

About Eva L'Hoest

Eva L’Hoest stud­ied in her home­town of Liège at the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts. She cur­rent­ly lives and works in Brussels. Her sculp­tures, per­for­mances and audio­vi­su­al instal­la­tions are exhib­it­ed world­wide. She has already been a guest at the Riga Biennale, the Malmö Art Museum in Sweden, the 15th Lyon Biennale, the Okayama Art Summit Triennial in Japan and Casino Luxembourg. She recent­ly had solo exhi­bi­tions at the Brussels Botanique (The Inmost Cell) and at Liebaerts Projects in Kortrijk (Don’t Feed The Birds). Her most recent work was on dis­play at the Sydney Biennale. In October 2022, she received the Edward Steichen Award from MUDAM Luxembourg.

Eva L’Hoest’s work — sculp­tures, per­for­mances and audio­vi­su­al instal­la­tions — deploys dig­i­tal lan­guage as an archae­o­log­i­cal tool to answer ques­tions about our ori­gins and mem­o­ries. In her oeu­vre, she explores how both col­lec­tive and indi­vid­ual men­tal images can be reac­ti­vat­ed and rean­i­mat­ed in a tech­no­log­i­cal form. For her, tech­nolo­gies such as 3D design and com­put­er graph­ics are, on the one hand, pros­the­ses for under­stand­ing the world; on the oth­er, she explores the poten­tial of these tech­nolo­gies as an artis­tic medium.

Eva L’Hoest worked for a year on the FIREBIRD project. Inspired by archae­o­log­i­cal research and researchers at UCL — Aegean Interdisciplinary Studies, she used CGI to devel­op images that will be pro­ject­ed in large scale at Bozar dur­ing the per­for­mance. The images draw par­al­lels between Egyptian sun wor­ship and our ener­gy addic­tion, between the immor­tal­i­ty of the myth­i­cal fire­bird and the long half-life of radioac­tive waste, between Sibelius’ swan and the regen­er­a­tive nature of nature.

Liebaert Projects Eva L Hoest7
Website Artist
