• 19.Jun.—18.Jul.2021 / Solo Exhibition
  • Vernissage: 18.JUN.2021, 19:00

Kamiel De Waal

An inflatable left to its own device (or) Must be the reason why I’m king of my castle

Liebaert Projects Kamielde Waal
  • Vernissage: 18.JUN.2021, 19:00
  • Open: sunday 14:00—18:00
  • Closed: monday through saturday
  • Minister Liebaertlaan 1B, 8500 Kortrijk

About Kamiel de Waal

Kamiel de Waal’s media-horny” prac­tice revolves around mak­ing shows (need­less to say not-show­ing has become an equal engine for his prac­tice) that hon­est­ly fos­ter qual­i­ty” and what­ev­er that still means. Past shows com­bine the ben­e­fit-of-doubt genius” with the not-that-bul­let­proof hubris of an artist’s first hits. As is, de Waal’s oeu­vre” is sand­wiched between what can be pos­si­bly made and what can be made possible.

To keep things clearly but sexy

Kamiel de Waal’s work plays with the one hit won­der dimen­sion, the sup­posed genius or eure­ka- fac­tor. A dog, for exam­ple, is made as sim­ple as con­nect­ing some lines, some tubes. The work elic­its a kind of cul­ti­vat­ed ugh’ – it seems so sim­ple, yet it works so well.

Kamiel de Waal’s work attest to a hybrid and sar­don­ic con­cep­tion of taste, sta­tus, con­nois­seur­ship per­haps. My taste is too good to be this poor, the artist con­fessed one night, look­ing back per­haps more vision­ary than thought at the time. There are so many vas­es in Kamiel’s work, one won­ders how many inte­ri­ors the artist wish­es to occu­py or ornate with them.

Kamiel de Waal’s work is high­ly qual­i­ty-sen­si­tive. In Kamiel’s stu­dio pho­tographs, the artist exhibits the qual­i­ty of explic­it mis­takes. The green screen in these pic­tures is ren­dered total­ly obso­lete: the all- con­sum­ing Metz flash-light on the Hasselblad cam­era is mir­rored in the green sur­face, show­cas­ing its edges, stains, its blind spots. In oth­er words, there’s no such thing as a lucky shot.

As if build­ing up to a grand finale, Kamiel real­ized his biggest work to date for his grad­u­a­tion show: a defunct boun­cy house, een springkas­teel, in fact mod­eled after a boat. All of its entrances (or exits) are sealed – there’s no gate or door in sight. Its air sup­ply is manip­u­lat­ed, the boat sub­se­quent­ly inflates and deflates. Deflated, one glimpses an utter void: the boat has no inte­ri­or. The green col­or, too, is ter­ri­bly dom­i­nant yet strange­ly off.

Website Artiest
