• 07—28.Mar.2021 / Group Exhibition
  • Vernissage: 07.MAR.2021, 19:00

16 Kunstenaars

6 Degrees

6 Degrees at Liebaert Projects 8
  • Vernissage: 07.MAR.2021, 19:00
  • Open: sunday 14:00—18:00
  • Closed: monday through saturday
  • Minister Liebaertlaan 1B, 8500 Kortrijk

About the exhibition

In the spir­it of com­radery, con­sen­su­al cura­tion and col­lec­tive action, young gal­leries from Brussels; Ballon Rouge Collective, Harlan Levey Projects, Stems gallery, Super Dakota and Waldburger Wouters Gallery, col­lab­o­rate to present the exhi­bi­tion 6 Degrees” at Liebaert Projects, Kortrijk. In the exhi­bi­tion, dif­fer­ent types of work explore com­mon ques­tions cen­tral to con­tem­po­rary soci­ety and civic rights, which rep­re­sent the dot­ted lines and red threads that rep­re­sent the core of con­tem­po­rary art today.

The exhi­bi­tion 6 Degrees’ shows work by 16 con­tem­po­rary artists, includ­ing Emmanuel Van der Auwera, Marcin Dudek and Nokukhanya Langa. But also from Bent Van Looy, the Das Pop’ singer who also paints. Five Brussels gal­leries worked togeth­er for the selec­tion: Stems Gallery, Harlan Levey Projects, Ballon Rouge Collective, Super Dakota and Waldburger Wouters.

Artists: Carmen Argote, !Mediengruppe Bitnik, Eli Cortiñas, Chris Dorland, Marcin Dudek, Hanane El Farisi, Nokukhanya Langa, Lynn Hershmann Leeson, Ella Littwitz, Isaac Lythgoe, Geert Marijnissen, Murat Önen, Bailey Scieszka, Emmanuel Van der Auwera, Stef Van Looveren, Bent Van Looy, Tyrrell Winston

Website Carmen Argote
Website !Mediengruppe Bitnik
Website Wevsite Eli Cortiñas
Website Chris Dorland
Website Marcin Dudek
Website Hanane El Farisi
Website Nokukhanya Langa
Website Lynn Hershmann Leeson
Website Ella Littwitz
Website Isaac Lythgoe
Website Geert Marijnissen
Website Murat Önen
Website Bailey Scieszka
Website Emmanuel Van der Auwera
Website Stef Van Looveren
Website Bent Van Looy
Website Tyrrell Winston